Production of a catalogue/panorama of EU-based eco-businesses
The European Commission, DG XI, has launched an open invitation to tender for the production of a catalogue/databank with an analysis/panorama of EU-based eco-businesses and their products. As mainstream industries integrate environmental considerations into their production processes, new firms have emerged producing goods and services for measuring, preventing, limiting or correcting environmental damage such as pollution of water, air and soil. Companies dealing with waste, noise and eco-systems are also included in this (OECD/Eurostat) definition of eco-businesses. To facilitate the ongoing process of cleaning and greening mainstream industries, the EU wishes to produce a catalogue containing an analysis of EU-based eco-business and their products. The project is to produce: - A catalogue/databank (in written and electronic versions) identifying EU-based eco-businesses and their products in all relevant areas. This catalogue should also include information about cleaner technologies and environmentally friendly products; - An analysis/panorama of eco-businesses in the EU Member States, based on the data collected. This description and analysis should give insight into the market of environmental goods and services. Relevant information about the main competitors in the USA and in Japan should also be included in this analytical section. The entire project is to be completed within five months from the date on which the contract is signed. Full details of the tender may be obtained in the tender notice dossier, available from the Commission. Requests for the tender notice dossier, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission DG XI - Environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Division A/2 Mr. B. Sinnott 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 4/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449