Support for transnational cooperation between craft firms and micro-enterprises
The European Commission is implementing a test programme to promote transnational cooperation between craft firms and micro-enterprises with the aim of forming durable partnerships in the fields of cross-sales, co-production, research and development and third-market searches, etc. Proposals can be submitted by non-profit development agencies (including chambers), and public economic promotion organizations intending to carry out suitable projects. Proposals have to include organizations and craft and small enterprises from at least two States of the European Economic Area (EEA). Proposals submitted by organizations and enterprises outside the EEA will not be considered. Proposals must comprise three phases: - Preparation and coordination; - Implementation of the project; - Further support and final report. The Commission may cover up to 50% of the total cost of each project accepted. However, the Commission's support will not exceed ECU 20,000. Further information, including an explanatory note, may be obtained from: European Commission DG XXIII - Enterprise policy, distributive trades, tourism and cooperatives Unit B3 80 rue d'Arlon B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2952134 Proposals must be sent, by mail, to the same address.