JRC: Remote sensing applied to agricultural statistics
The Joint Research Centre, Ispra Establishment (Italy), of the European Communities, in the framework of its "Pilot project for the application of remote sensing to agricultural statistics", launches a call for proposals for Action 6 (Area Frame Sampling) for the 1992 season. These surveys consist of two distinct operations: (1) A ground survey, realized in May 1992, giving raw data by the middle of July; (2) a yield survey for the crops of interest, realized at harvest time, giving raw results available by the middle of December. Contracts will cover one (or several) of the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France.Precise information about the detailed activities, technical specifications, general conditions and draft contract can be found in a document called "General conditions and detailed specifications, Action 6, Area Frame Sampling" (English version) which may be requested until 6 December 1991 from: Joint Research Centre of the European Communities MARS Project / Call for proposals Attn. Mr. R. G.Crandon TP 441 I-21020 Ispra (VA) Italy Telex 380042 EUE I; Fax +39-332-789074