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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Transnational projects for cooperation and networking between areas dependent on fisheries

The European Commission, DG XIV, has launched a call for proposals for transnational projects for cooperation and networking between areas dependent on fisheries. The call is under the PESCA Community initiative of the Structural Funds, which aims to help the fisheries sector ...

The European Commission, DG XIV, has launched a call for proposals for transnational projects for cooperation and networking between areas dependent on fisheries. The call is under the PESCA Community initiative of the Structural Funds, which aims to help the fisheries sector overcome structural changes and contribute to diversification in coastal areas. The Commission invites interested organizations to forward proposals concerning transnational cooperation and networking projects in the following areas: - I. Training of fishermen and tradesmen in the sector: . I.1 Networking of training institutes; . I.2 Cooperation in matters related to training programmes; . I.3 Cooperation and networking in relation to employment in the fisheries sector; - II. Joint management of fisheries: . II.1 Initiatives aimed at concerted conflict resolution; . II.2 Transregional initiatives for the marketing of products; . II.3 Projects of a general interest in relation to maritime safety; - III. Economic diversification of areas dependent on fisheries: . III.1 Initiatives concerning fishing and tourism integration; . III.2 Promotion of services aimed at reducing the isolation of remote areas; . III.3 Meetings of inter-regional partnerships between areas dependent on fisheries; - IV. Reconversion of fishing merchants to other activities: . IV.1 Fishing merchants' reconversion programmes; . IV.2 Sectoral reconversion programmes; . IV.3 Exchange of experience regarding reconversion. Projects may include partners from the following sectors: professional organizations, training institutes, local or regional authorities, associations, and individual companies. The projects must be operational, resulting in concrete actions. The phases of study (preliminary, feasibility, impact, etc.) must be limited to the necessary minimum and be duly justified. Projects must include organizations from two or more countries. The Community contribution will be 50% of costs eligible for areas dependent on fisheries situated outside the Objective 1 regions, and 75% for areas dependent on fisheries in Objective 1 regions, within an upper limit of ECU 25,000 per project involving two partners from two different countries and ECU 10,000 per additional partner. For reconversion initiatives, this upper limit is increased to ECU 50,000 and to ECU 10,000 per additional partner. Proposals should be made on the forms available from the European Commission. Further information may be obtained from: European Commission DG XIV - Fisheries Division XIV/D/1 200 rue de la Loi (J 99 2/36) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2963033