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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Study on further enhancement of the safety of passengers in motor vehicles

The European Commission, DG III, has launched an open call for tenders for a study on the further enhancement of the safety of passengers in motor vehicles. The study relates to research in the following areas, as envisaged in the relevant Directive on passenger safety (74/40...

The European Commission, DG III, has launched an open call for tenders for a study on the further enhancement of the safety of passengers in motor vehicles. The study relates to research in the following areas, as envisaged in the relevant Directive on passenger safety (74/408/EEC, as amended): the area of the strength of seats for buses and coaches (including static versus dynamic approval testing, combined loading, specific requirements for minibuses), and head restraints for all types of vehicles (for occupant protection). A detailed description of the study may be obtained from the Commission in the tender specifications. The final report should be sent to the Commission seven months after the contract is signed. This report should be accompanied by the results of the research and recommendations to enhance the safety of passengers in motor vehicles. Requests for tender specifications and completed tenders should be sent to: European Commission DG III - Industry Mr. Richard Wright Unit III/E/5 (Automobiles and other road vehicles and tractors) 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2953397; Fax +32-2-2969637