Impact of EU environmental regulation on competitiveness of EU chemical industry
The European Commission, DG XI, has published an open invitation to tender for a study on the impact of EU environmental regulation on selected indicators of the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry. The overall objective of the study is to assemble, assess and complement empirical evidence on the possible linkages between EU environmental regulation and the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry. The competitiveness of the EU chemical industry is to be assessed with reference to the following variables: trade performance, especially net exports performance, share of world production, foreign direct investment, and productivity. The chemical industry was selected because it ranks among the industry sectors with one of the highest pollution abatement and control costs. The study should document this assertion on the basis of available data for the EU and individual Member States. It should briefly characterize, at the outset, the market structure of the EU chemical industry. More specifically, the study has four main aims: - Survey the existing empirically-based literature on the relationship between the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry and EU environmental regulation; - Present and analyse statistical data pertaining to the exports, imports, production, foreign direct investment and productivity of the EU chemical industry; - Assess whether EU environmental regulation contributed significantly to the trends identified in the point above. This assessment should be carried out as indicated in the technical annex; - Present and analyse suitable measures of the environmental performance of the EU chemical industry, comparing the evolution of these indicators with the evolution of the competitiveness of the industry. Requests for the tender notice dossier, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission Mr. B. Sinnott DG XI/A.2 - Budget, finance and contracts 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 4/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449