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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Eco-label award scheme

The European Commission, DG XI, has published an open call to tender for a study on a European Union eco-label award scheme. The study contract would concern the development of a methodological and procedural approach for setting eco-label criteria under a revised EU scheme. ...

The European Commission, DG XI, has published an open call to tender for a study on a European Union eco-label award scheme. The study contract would concern the development of a methodological and procedural approach for setting eco-label criteria under a revised EU scheme. The whole study must be completed within 14 months of the date on which the contract is signed. Requests for the tender documents, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission Mr. B. Sinnott DG XI/A.2 - Budget, finance and contracts 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 4/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449