EU relations with Argentina
On the occasion of the first EU-Mercosur mixed committee meeting on 12 June 1996, the European Commission has published details of EU cooperative activities with Argentina. EU activities involve Argentina in many areas, including: - Financial and economic cooperation: in 1995 the Commission spent some ECU 22 million on cooperative actions, in particular in social affairs and in helping street children; - Scientific cooperation has grown significantly, in particularly in energy through the ALURE (rational energy utilization in Latin America) programme; - The AL-INVEST (Latin America Investment) and ECIP (European Communities Investment Partners) programmes have both supported major projects in Argentina; - In 1996 there will be strong support for industrial cooperation, particularly with SMEs and in the creation of technological poles. Other areas in which EU-Argentina cooperation is significant include fisheries and nuclear safety. The EU now has a trade surplus with Argentina, of over ECU 700 million in 1995. As regards European investment in Argentina, for the period 1994-1999 European companies will invest more than US companies, particularly in the fields of energy, telecommunications, motor vehicles and food. Argentina has attracted some 40% of European Investment Bank (EIB) funding in Latin America, with total payments reaching ECU 167 million for the three-year period from February 1993 to 1996.