European Parliament: Cooperation with Asia and Latin America
The European Parliament approved, with 33 amendments, on 10 September 1991, the Commission proposal for a Council Regulation on financial and technical assistance to and economic cooperation with the developing countries in Asia and Latin America (COM(91) 104). In general, the amendments made by the European Parliament are worded to emphasize the need for the implementation of a genuine cooperation strategy based on multiannual programmes meeting the specific requirements of these regions, providing a range of measures suited to the different situations of the groupings of countries and endowed with adequate financial resources. Defence of human rights, including cultural and ethnic dimensions, and the rights of women, are included in amendments together with the necessity to ensure that aid reaches those sectors of the population faced with major problems of development. The simplification of administrative procedures, the environment, the human dimension of development, demographic problems, the structural dimension, rehabilitation after disasters, and anti-drug programmes are also encompassed, as are the implementation of joint research projects and encouragement for the exchange of scientists. Special attention is also paid to energy, the exploitation of natural resources, and industrial and urban technology.