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Interchange of data between administrations - VIES project

The European Commission, DG XXI, has launched an invitation to tender for support services related to the interchange of data between administrations (IDA) under the VIES (VAT information exchange system) Project Office. The tender concerns external support for the following ...

The European Commission, DG XXI, has launched an invitation to tender for support services related to the interchange of data between administrations (IDA) under the VIES (VAT information exchange system) Project Office. The tender concerns external support for the following technical and administrative tasks: - To continue the VPO project, which helps the Commission in the overall management of the VIES and related projects. The tasks include project management, technical consultancy, quality consultancy and general project support; - To develop advanced VIES management tools and to give development support to DG XXI. The tasks include statistics, electronic mail and other World Wide Web services. The project is expected to start in December 1996, and should be completed within three years. Project members must be able to attend ad-hoc meetings at EC premises in Brussels at one day's notice. Tenderers must demonstrate that they have experience and ability in the project field. Questions regarding this tender will be answered during a briefing planned for 12 July 1996 (10.00-12.00) at office MDB 3/11, 46 rue du Luxembourg, B-1040 Brussels. Requests for tender specifications, quoting reference DG XXI/96/CB-3016, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission DG XXI - Customs union and indirect taxation Mrs. M. Massage 200 rue de la Loi (MDB 4/16) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2956501 Additional technical information may be obtained from: European Commission DG XXI/A/1 Mr. P-H. Theunissen 200 rue de la Loi (MDB 0/28) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2961930