INFO2000: High-quality multimedia information content
The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a call for project proposals to stimulate the production of high-quality multimedia information content in the Information Society. In the framework of the Council Decision of 20 May 1996 (OJ No L 129 of 30.5.1996) adopting a multiannual Community programme to stimulate the development of a European multimedia content industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging Information Society (INFO2000), the Commission envisages supporting projects that will catalyse high-quality European multimedia content. The Commission therefore invites proposals for pilot projects that will contribute to the establishment of a European capacity to produce multilingual, interactive, multimedia information products by building on the wealth of available European content and demonstrating ways to overcome technological, cultural, market and other barriers to the growth of a European information industry. Projects should aim at European multimedia products that incorporate the specific characteristics of language and culture. The projects may address the issues of multimedia information content supply in any of the following specific domains: the economic exploitation of Europe's cultural heritage; business information for firms, in particular for SMEs; the organization and use of geographical information; the exploitation of scientific, technical and medical information. Initial support will be given to selected projects to perform a definition phase of six months' duration in order to carry out market research, technology assessment, rights acquisition and the development of a prototype working model or other demonstrable results. After evaluation of the results, certain projects will be granted further financial support for an implementation phase. Community financial support is based on actual costs incurred and will normally be calculated at up to 40% of those costs. If, however, a participant is established in a less-favoured region or is a small enterprise, the percentage support may be raised to 50%. For the definition phase, the ceiling on support is ECU 100,000. For the later implementation phase projects, support may be granted up to ECU 500,000. In exceptional cases a higher ceiling, of up to ECU 1,000,000, may be decided. This call is open to legal entities, whether private or public, within the European Economic Area (EEA). All projects must be transnational in scope, aim at multilingual information access and exemplify cooperation across national borders. Further information and the conditions for submitting proposals may be obtained from: European Commission DG XIII - Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research INFO2000 Central Office Directorate E EUFO 1179 L-2920 Luxembourg Fax +352-401162234 E-mail: This documentation is also available on the I'M Europe server on the World Wide Web at: