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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Defect tolerance concept for nuclear power plants' components

The European Commission, DG XI, has launched an open call to tender for a study on the defect tolerance concept for the components of nuclear power plants. The fundamental objective of the study is to determine an appropriate flaw tolerance approach for developing inspection ...

The European Commission, DG XI, has launched an open call to tender for a study on the defect tolerance concept for the components of nuclear power plants. The fundamental objective of the study is to determine an appropriate flaw tolerance approach for developing inspection guidelines. The study will focus on the evaluation of a defect tolerance concept for the failure mode "Fatigue" for light-water reactor (LWR) Class 1 components. The study is applicable to LWRs, including VVERs. The following items should be covered in the study: - Identification of sensitive locations; - Verification of the absence of any relevant flaw at the component location where fatigue concerns have been identified; - Postulation of existence of a hypothetical fatigue reference flaw; - Determination of postulated end of flaw size due to fatigue crack growth; - Determination of needs for successive in-service inspections; - Development of technical guidance for implementation in RSEM and KTA rules. The above shall be extended to VVERs, relevant codes and standards, and Eastern practices. The study should be completed within 20 months following the signature of the contract. Tenderers must demonstrate experience in this area, and propose an organization with representatives from several EU Member States. Requests for tender specifications, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission DG XI - Environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Mr. B. Sinnott 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 4/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449