EMC measurement equipment for Hungary (PHARE)
The Government of Hungary issues a notice of invitation to tender for a project financed by the EEC for the supply, in three lots, of equipment intended for EMC measurements for the Hungarian Institute for Testing Electrical Equipment (MEEI) in Budapest. The lots comprise: An FFT frequency analyser; selective test receivers and accessories; a shielded chamber and accessories. Bids may be submitted for one or more lots. Participation is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons of the Member States of the EEC, of Bulgaria, CSFR, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.The complete tender dossier may be obtained free of charge from Commission Offices in the Member States or from: (a) National Committee for Technological Development Dr. Jozsef Marton or Mrs. Zsuzsanna Mokri Room 612 or 806 V. Martinelli, ter 8 HV-1374 Budapest Hungary Tel. 36-1-1184047/-1175900; Fax +36-1-1187998 (b) Commission of the European Communities DG I - Operational Service PHARE 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32-2-2366264