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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Partnership events and cooperation actions in audiovisual field

The European Commission, DG X, has launched a call for proposals for actions relating to partnership events and cooperation in the audiovisual field in 1997 in the Member States. Support will be given to project proposals in the following fields: - Support for audiovisual ev...

The European Commission, DG X, has launched a call for proposals for actions relating to partnership events and cooperation in the audiovisual field in 1997 in the Member States. Support will be given to project proposals in the following fields: - Support for audiovisual events produced in partnership. This action is open only to events organized by agents from at least three Member States (or at least one associated country and two Member States) or belonging to European audiovisual networks: . Film festivals or audiovisual programmes (animated productions, documentaries, fiction, short or feature films). Consideration will be given only to festivals whose programme schedule contains at least 70% of European productions, originating from at least five Member States. Particular attention will be given to festivals taking place in regions where events of this type are few, and contributing, by virtue of their programme schedule, to the promotion of productions in Member States or regions with a lesser audiovisual production capacity and to festivals focused on works by young European artists; . Events focused on productions calling upon the latest picture technology. This action concerns events whose programme schedule is centred on advanced production techniques such as animated graphics, computer graphics or multimedia. This action will only take into consideration those events presenting a majority of works by European artists; - Support for cooperation actions between European audiovisual events. The Commission wishes to provide backing to a very limited number of projects of a European dimension allowing for the exchange of information and experience between audiovisual festivals, the development of networks of audiovisual festivals, and the elaboration of joint operations favouring the promotion of European productions and their distribution. Projects must include the participation of events originating in at least eight Member States or at least three associated countries and six Member States. Projects must put forward a balanced finance plan, based on different sources of financing, public or private. The financial contribution provided by the Commission may not exceed 25% of the cost of the operation considered in regard to Action 1, and 50% of this cost with regard to Action 2. Participation forms (Doc. XD3/FEST/97) may be obtained from the offices of the European Commission in the Member States or from the address below: European Commission DG X - Audiovisual, information, communication and culture Mr. P. Cova Unit D/3 200 rue de la Loi (L-102 5/16) B-1049 Brussels

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