Study on transport flows on the European railway network
The European Commission, DG VII, has launched a restricted call to tender for a study on transport flows on the European railway network. The study aims at collecting data on traffic and transport flows (number of trains, tonnes of goods, passengers transported) per section of the main railway lines in Europe (EU, EFTA and Central and Eastern Europe). This includes establishing a database on European rail transport flows (collection and estimation of data) and the presentation of the results in the form of maps. The information is required for transport policy purposes of the European Union. The study should be completed by the end of July 1997. The Commission will invite around ten consultants to tender for the study, based on a list established from the requests received from this call. Requests to participate should be sent to: European Commission DG VII - Transport Mr. R. Deiss Unit E/1 200 rue de la Loi (BU31 5/18) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2968237; Fax +32-2-2968350