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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Activities of the Information Society Activity Centre

The European Commission's Information Society Activity Centre (ISAC) has published an advance notice of a call for proposals for actions developing the Information Society. The European Commission intends to publish before August 1996 a call for proposals for feasibility stud...

The European Commission's Information Society Activity Centre (ISAC) has published an advance notice of a call for proposals for actions developing the Information Society. The European Commission intends to publish before August 1996 a call for proposals for feasibility studies, demonstration and awareness actions, aimed at promoting the development of the Information Society and bringing it closer to people covering the following fields: - Design of new communications methodologies and public oriented pedagogical tools; - Analysis of experiences and potentialities of the Information Society, notably for women; - Analysis and promotion of information systems and services for the less favoured social groups; - Development of demonstration actions, in particular in small communities; - Analysis and promotion of electronic systems to assist individual consumers; - Analysis and promotion of a system for assessing the correctness of the information from the Internet; - Organization of events promoting awareness and demonstrating best practice. The call for proposals will have total funding of approximately ECU 4 million. Further information may be obtained from: European Commission Information Society Activity Centre 200 rue de la Loi (BU24 2/78) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2968800/2968900; Fax +32-2-2994180