Rules for aid to the steel industry
Commission Decision No 3855/91/ECSC of 27 November 1991 establishing Community rules for aid to the steel industry replaces Decision No 322/89/ECSC (published in OJ No L 38 of 10.2.1989) which expired at the end of 1991, and introduces a number of technical modifications. Rules cover aid, specific or non-specific, financed by Member States in any form whatsoever. As such aid is prohibited under Article 4c of the ECSC Treaty to ensure fair competition, the present Decision aims not to deprive the steel industry of aid for research and development or for bringing plants into line with new environmental standards: - Aid granted to defray expenses by steel undertakings on R&D projects may be deemed compatible with the common market if it is in compliance with the rules laid down in the Community framework for State aid for research and development (published in OJ No C 83, 11.4.1986); - Aid granted for bringing into line with new statutory environmental requirements plants which entered into service at least two years before the introduction of the standards may be deemed compatible with the common market (to 15% of directly related investment costs). Rules concerning aid for closures, and aid under general regional aid schemes are also set out. The Decision entered into force on 1 January 1992 and applies until 31 December 1996.