Launch of CORDIS RTD-PARTNERS database
A further CORDIS database, RTD-PARTNERS, is scheduled to be added to the range of available CORDIS services on 27 January 1992. The function of the new database is to aid in the location of partners for research projects (under Community or other programme funding), and to facilitate collaboration on licensing, marketing or manufacturing agreements. Its aim is to catalyse RTD related activities ranging from joint proposals to the commercial exploitation of research results. Sources of the database entries are the individual contributing RTD organizations, contacted either via specific Community programmes or independently. Each entry represents a request for a partnership or set of partnerships and includes details such as the targeted geographic location and the nature of the collaborative activities, plus information on the organization's expertise and subject specialization, size and location. A choice of search methods enables database users to select contacts which most closely match the profile they are seeking. Information held on the RTD-PARTNERS database is updated frequently, and new data added at regular intervals. The RTD-PARTNERS service is designed to be of particular value to the wide variety of organizations involved in RTD (SMEs, multinationals, universities, public and private research institutions, and individuals) throughout the Member States and the EFTA countries. Participation is free of charge.