CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Research in Official Statistics - ROS

EUROSTAT, the European Commission's Statistical Office is to launch an international journal on scientific research activities in statistics. The journal, to be called "Research in Official Statistics" (ROS), will publish scientific papers of high interest in the field of offi...

EUROSTAT, the European Commission's Statistical Office is to launch an international journal on scientific research activities in statistics. The journal, to be called "Research in Official Statistics" (ROS), will publish scientific papers of high interest in the field of official statistics. ROS will aim to promote statistical research activities, create a forum for scientific exchanges between researchers, give visibility to the results of such activities, enhance the scientific image of official statistics and help EUROSTAT fulfil its mission. The main fields to be covered are: - Statistical methods and tools; - Statistical analysis; - New techniques and technologies for statistics; - News on research activities, conferences, books, etc. Material to be published will fall into three categories: - Freely contributed papers resulting from statistical research in public or private institutes; - Reviews of statistical research work carried out within, or on behalf of, EUROSTAT; - Articles which have previously been published, but have had limited audiences or circulation due to the language of original publication. The journal will be published twice a year, in English only, in spring and autumn. In addition, a summary of the contents of each edition will appear on the World Wide Web. The first edition is planned to be published in early 1997. This will be a special review issue which can be obtained free of charge on request.

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