Official control of foodstuffs: Additional measures
A proposal for a Council Directive on the subject of additional measures concerning the official control of foodstuffs (COM(91) 526 submitted on 10.2.1992) supplements Directive 89/397/EEC of 14.6.1989. It aims to ensure that the training of food control officials is such that their technical and administrative competence is adequate, and provides for generally accepted quality standards for laboratories entrusted by the Member States with the official control of foodstuffs and the use of validated methods of analysis by these laboratories whenever possible. Provisions are introduced for officials of the Commission to cooperate with the competent authorities of the Member States in carrying out controls in the field of foodstuffs, and rules are laid down for an administrative mutual aid system between Member States. The proposal also provides for the circulation of annual reports on the implementation of a coordinated programme on the control of foodstuffs in the Community.