Decision on STEP Agreements with Austria, Finland, Norway
The Council of the European Communities, in a Decision dated 3 February 1992 (92/132/EEC) on the conclusion of bilateral Cooperation Agreements on science and technology for environmental protection (STEP, 1989-1993), between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Norway respectively, approves these Agreements on behalf of the Community. The text of each Agreement is appended to the Decision. Research areas covered by the STEP programme include: Environment and human health; assessment of risks associated with chemicals; atmospheric processes and air quality; water quality; soil and groundwater protection; ecosystem research; protection and conservation of the European cultural heritage; technologies for environmental protection; major technological hazards and fire safety. The financial contributions for association to the Community programme shall be: Austria, ECU 1,799,520; Finland, ECU 1,492,470; Norway, ECU 1,299,270.
Austria, Finland, Norway