MEDIA II - Development and distribution
The European Commission, DG X, has published call for proposals 6/97 for support for the development of production projects and production companies under the MEDIA II programme's development and distribution component. The call for proposals is aimed at independent European production companies whose activities contribute to the attainment of the objectives of the MEDIA II programme in this area. Support under the programme will either promote the development of production projects aimed in particular at the European market, or encourage the development of production companies. Those interested in submitting a proposal should obtain a copy of the "Guidelines for the submission of proposals to obtain Community financial support in the development sector" from the European Commission. Copies of the Guidelines may be requested, in writing, from: European Commission DG X - Audiovisual, information, communication and culture Mr. Jacques Delmoly Unit D/4 200 rue de la Loi (L-102 7/23) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2999214