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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Research opportunities and scientific training in Japan

The European Communities science and technology fellowship programme in Japan (EC S&T FJP) aims to equip European scientists early in their research careers with the ability to interact fruitfully with an expanding Japanese research system. The programme concentrates on fields...

The European Communities science and technology fellowship programme in Japan (EC S&T FJP) aims to equip European scientists early in their research careers with the ability to interact fruitfully with an expanding Japanese research system. The programme concentrates on fields of research where Community programmes already exist or are being considered and in which Japanese work is currently or potentially interesting. The programme is open to Community Member State nationals in the age range 25-35 who have completed a doctorate degree or have equivalent professional experience. In Japan, participants undergo a three-month Japanese language course, followed by 12-18 months full-time work in a Japanese host laboratory. The Commission undertakes to pay travel expenses between Europe and Japan, the language course cost, an installation allowance plus a flat-rate monthly amount of 435,000 Yen. Participants may be hosted in Japan by any national research laboratory supervised by the Science and Technology Agency, the Ministry for International Trade and Industry, the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or other ministeries. University laboratories and research institutes attached to national universities are included. Private sector institutes may be considered on an individual case basis. On application, an acceptance letter from the potential Japanese host laboratory will be appreciated; however, the final choice will be negotiated between the Commission, the candidate and the Japanese authorities. Selected candidates will be interviewed in Brussels in July 1992 for tenure beginning in the autumn of 1992. The selection process will be made in parallel with the selection process for the STA fellowship programme in Japan described in a separate announcement on this database.



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