Policy strategies for the exploitation and use of information content
The European Commission, DG XIII, has published in invitation to tender for the completion of a study on policy strategies for the exploitation and use of information content within the framework of the Community's INFO2000 programme for the development of a European multimedia content industry. This study is foreseen as an objective under the INFO 2000 programme in the context of global networking and the development of an electronic trading market place. The object of the study will be "Content Driven Strategies in Global Networking" (CONDRINET). It is intended to result in the formulation of recommendations for medium and long-term strategies for the industry in support of the multimedia content industry during the period 1998-2003. The tender documents, including the detailed specifications, may be obtained by written request, indicating the name and address of the requesting organization, from: European Commission DG XIII - Telecommunications, information market and exploitation of research DG XIII/E-1 - Contract Management EUFO 1267 rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2920 Luxembourg Fax +352-4301-34079 Tenders should be submitted to the same address.