Evaluation of pilot project on occupational diseases
The European Commission, DG V, has published an invitation to tender relating to the evaluation of a pilot project on occupational diseases. The tender is for a study concerned with the evaluation of statistics on occupational diseases resulting from the Community project: "Harmonization of European statistics on occupational diseases". The aim of the pilot project is to establish comparable data for seven variables with respect to 31 items taken from the European Schedule of Occupational Diseases. Data from the reference year 1995 on recognized occupational diseases are being collected in the 15 Member States. A technical sub-committee has been established to take part in the evaluation of the pilot project and consider the next stage of the work. The contractor will apply the agreed technical criteria to the pilot project data in order to: - Assess the degree of comparability of the data; - Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the data; - Propose changes to improve the available data. The work should be carried out by one or more experts collaborating directly or indirectly with Commission staff and the technical sub-committee. The work should be completed within nine months. Further information relating to the tender may be obtained from: European Commission DG V - Employment, industrial relations and social affairs Dr. F. J. Alvarez-Hidalgo "Public Health and Safety at Work" Directorate rue Alcide de Gasperi (EUFO 3/3265) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430134547; Fax +352-430133248 Completed tenders should be sent to: European Commission DG V - Employment, industrial relations and social affairs Mr. R. Haigh - Head of Unit F/5 "Public Health and Safety at Work" Directorate rue Alcide de Gasperi (EUFO 3/3269) L-2920 Luxembourg