Guidelines for publication of Community RTD results
A set of practical guidelines aids the specific RTD programmes and other related Community programmes to gain maximum benefit from the dissemination process. "Guidelines for publication of the results of RTD and related programmes" explains publication and promotional services available from the Commission's Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge Unit (DG XII/C-3). The brochure details the specific advantages of publication methods as well as the possibilities open to the Community programmes, offers guidance on publication planning and makes recommendations on the treatment of texts. Instructions for the preparation of typescripts for photographic reproduction are annexed. A set of DG XII/C-3 contact numbers is provided, for the benefit of those requiring information or advice on: Publication planning and general questions; submission of manuscripts and allocation of EUR numbers; publications within the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities; desk-top publishing and related matters; publications with private publishers; distribution lists. DG XIII/C-3 provides publication and promotional services to all Commission units having research and related activities, i.e. within DGs XII, XIII, III, V, VI, VII, XI, XIV, and XVII.