Project to install solar panels in educational centres wins Eurosolar award
The award-winning project has, as its main aim, to increase the amount of solar power potential installed in the Basque Country to date and to make the school community at large aware of the importance of clean, renewable energy sources. ,Every year, the non profit-making European agency Eurosolar awards national and European prizes to all kinds of bodies, organisations and users that encourage the general use of solar energy as an alternative source of non-contaminant energy. This is why EEE-EVE entered its candidature for the award with its main project for photoelectric solar installations connected to the national electric grid, and which is put forward as a reference model for the whole of society. The plan sets out to install photoelectric solar panels of approximately 5 kW power in all Basque public sector high schools. Thus, for the end of 2004, the 170 public-sector comprehensive high schools will be fitted with this kind of installation. Also receiving an award in the same category, jointly with the Basque project, was the Catalan-based SEBA association (Associació de Serveis Energétics Basics Autónoms). Both entries will be candidates for the European Eurosolar award together with those award-winners from other European countries.