Sustainable development in industrial areas in Europe
The Gaiker Technological Centre is cooperating in the design of new tools, so that industrial areas improve their sustainability levels.,The aspects evaluated are, amongst others, transport, energy, environment, marketing and involvement of members of the public. The Ecopadev study, carried out by professionals from five countries, enables technological parks, industrial parks and zones to carry out an evaluation on the sustainability of the area they are in. The report outlines the guidelines for the management structure or body, energy consumption, the amount of waste generated and the features of the surrounding environment. The report enables a diagnosis to be carried out in order to fix the needs of an industrial area. The next step is the practical application thereof. The experts then lay down guidelines for sustainable development in each case. The achievement of the objective has to meet three goals: the need for a management structure that will manage all the companies in the industry from the same perspective; obtaining information about environmental impact and energy consumption; and finally, relations with local institutions and other bodies which enable the enhancement of of sustainability levels.