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Polish Lisbon Strategy Forum

The "Polish Forum for Lisbon Strategy" (PFSL) was established in 2003 as a multi-annual joint project of the Gda?sk Institute for Market Economics and the Office of the Committee for European Integration.

The following strategic business partners participate in the forum: Bank Pekao SA, PKO BP, ComputerLand SA, Hewlett-Packard Polska Sp. zoo, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa SP zoo, the ERA network operator. PFSL's objective is to make Poland better by building trust and understanding for public policy aiming at fulfilling our development potential and to jointly shape Europe according to our visions and interests. PFSL's mission is: - to create an independent platform for public discussion on the state policy within the framework of public-private partnership between civil society, government and business sectors ,- to make Polish socio-economic policy more public, coherent, continuous and development oriented PFSL's PROGRAMMING BOARD: Prof. Danuta Hübner,Member of the European Commission, Honorary President of the Programming Board, Dr Jarosław Pietras, Secretary of State, Head of the Office of the Committee for European Integration, President of the Programming Board, Dr Jan Szomburg,President of the Gdañsk Institute for Market Economics, Vice President of the Programming Board Maria Winiewska ,Polish Confederation of Private Employers, Vice President of the Programming Board Jan Krzysztof Bielecki ,President of Pekao SA, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Dopiera,President of Hewlett-Packard Polska Sp. z o.o. Dr Bogusaw Grabowski,President of PTE Skarbiec-Emerytura SA, former member of the Monetary Policy Council Prof. Micha Kleiber,Minister for Science and Information Technology Jerzy Komiñski,President of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation, former Polish ambassador in the US Bogusław Kułakowski ,President, Director General of Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o the ERA network operator. Tomasz Sielicki,President of ComputerLand SA Prof. Tomasz Żylicz,Deputy Dean for Academic Matters, Department of Economics, University of Warsaw Project Management:,Dr Jan Szomburg, Director of PFSL, ,PFSL PLAYS THREE ROLES: 1. a think-tank supplying analyses, reviews, evaluations and ideas of the state policy,2. a platform for debate and social dialogue on the major strategic challenges for Polish and EU socio-economic policies,3. a public-private partnership, involving state institutions, non-governmental organisations and representatives of business and academic circles. PFSL's AREAS OF ACTIVITY SECTORAL FORA: 1. Knowledge and innovation for development,(Dr Piotr Tamowicz,e-mail:,Prof. Janina Jówiak,e-mail: 2. Electronic Communications Forum (Information society, telecommunications),(Tomasz Kulisiewicz,e-mail: 3. Capital Markets Forum,(Prof. Leszek Pawłowicz,e-mail: 4. Enterprise Forum,(Dr Maciej Grabowski,e-mail: 5. Social Forum,(Irena Wóycicka,e-mail: 6. Environmental Forum,(Prof. Tomasz Żylicz,e-mail: PFSL's PRODUCTS: 1. Monographs:,- Recommendations for the government before the spring meetings of the European Council (March),- The White Paper containing compact evaluation of the Polish position and the main recommendations concerning the Lisbon Strategy (May),- The Blue Papers detailed studies of individual topics (November-December),2.Conferences seminars, including:,- PFSL Congress organised in May with approx. 300 participants),- Sector seminars organised during the year by the Sectoral Fora ,3.Press articles, political commentaries on the radio and television CONTACT:,Polish Forum for Lisbon Strategy,Gdañsk Institute for Market Economics,ul. Do Studzienki 63,80-227 Gdañsk,tel. +48 58 524-49-00,fax. +48 58 524-49-09,