Campus TV Reports from the Heidelberg Center in Santiago de Chile
In the last few years the University of Heidelberg has established a good position for itself on the international plane. One example is Chile. The University’s Heidelberg Latin America Center has started operations in the capital Santiago and scholars and scientists from Heidelberg come here regularly to report on the latest research findings in their subjects or to give lectures and conduct seminars. University Press Officer Michael Schwarz took a camera to Santiago and interviewed Heidelberg alumni on their impressions of this new transatlantic linkage. Professor Carlos Huneeus, a Heidelberg graduate and later Chilean ambassador to Germany, gave his assessment of the Center in the context of German-Chilean relations, while Professor Mallorga outlined the inception of cooperation between law scholars from Heidelberg and Santiago. On a flying visit to Heidelberg, Dr. Walter Eckel, the director of the Center, reported on his work in the South American metropolis. Other topics: How robots learn to run - Progress in radiation therapy for cancer patients - A Europe-wide study on the behaviour of old people. From Thursday, 13 October, viewers can see these features on the RNF-PLUS channel of Rhine-Neckar Television via the Astra satellite and on the cable networks of the “European Metropolis Region Rhine-Neckar” at peak viewing times. How robots learn to run Every child can run. At the age of 1 ½ children find way around on two legs. But for robots putting one foot in front of the other is a major challenge. At the conference "Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics" organised by the University of Heidelberg, renowned engineers, medical scientists and computer scientists from the USA, Japan and Europe addressed the question: “What’s the best way of getting a robot to run?” Progress in radiation therapy for cancer patients For cancer patients radiation therapy is frequently the only hope of successful treatment. So far, however, it has not been precise enough. Hitting the tumour has also meant exposing healthy tissue to radiation. At the University Hospital in Mannheim major progress has been made in this respect by the use of a new combination of devices. How do old people in Europe behave? The population pyramid in Germany is clearly marked by over-aging. In other European nations too, old people are becoming an ever more prominent part of the overall picture. At the Research Institute for Economics and Demographic Change at the University of Mannheim, an ambitious investigation, the so-called Share Study, has produced a comparative assessment of over-aging in Europe. In a Campus TV interview, study leader Professor Axel Börsch-Supan discusses the findings he and his team have come up with. New broadcasting times for Campus TV in 2005: starting Thursday 13 October 2005, every week on Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. Fridays at 7.30 p.m. and Sundays at 8 p.m. The sponsors of Campus TV are the not-for-profit Klaus Tschira Foundation (Heidelberg), the lubricant manufacturer Fuchs Petrolub AG (Mannheim), the SRH (Heidelberg), the John Deere AG (Mannheim) and the Broadcast Authority of Baden-Württemberg (LfK) (Stuttgart). The programme is compered by Campus TV editor Joachim Kaiser. Please address any inquiries to Dr. Michael Schwarz Press Officer of the University of Heidelberg phone: 06221/542310, fax: 542317