PHARE: Hardware for Bulgarian tax administration
A notice of tender issued by the Commission of the European Communities on behalf of the Government of Bulgaria for a project financed by the PHARE programme concerns the supply in one lot of a basic computer system, including hardware items, installation, startup and training, for the tax administration in Bulgaria (Project No PHR/92/06/8/91021). Participation is open on equal terms to natural and legal persons of the EC Member States and of Albania, Bulgaria, CSFR, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. Supplies offered must originate in the above States. The complete tender dossier may be obtained free of charge from Commission Offices in the Member States and from: (a) Commission of the European Communities DGI, Operational Service PHARE 200 rue de la Loi (LOI 84-4/18) B-1049 Brussels Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32-2-2357431/2364251 (b) Ministry of Finance Attn. M. Gogov 102 Rakovski St. BG-1040 Sofia Tel. +359-2869219; Fax +359-2870945