ERA ENV - Success indicators and further actions on Environmental sector
ERA ENV is a project financed by the Commission of European Communities, Research Directorate – General through Framework Programme 6/”Global Changes, Sustainable Development and Ecosystems” Priority. ERA ENV started on 1st of April and will act 18 months. The Project Coordinator by FIMAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (FIMAN DS) and has contractors from Austria (FFG), Germany (IfaK), Slovak Republic (TUZVO), Bulgaria (ARC FUND and CLGE), Turkey (TUBITAK and ITU EU CENTER) and Hungary (NKTH and BUTE OMIKK). ERA ENV aims to encourage and facilitate the participation of research organisations and SMEs from the New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries in the activities of the Thematic Priority 6.3 – Global Change and Ecosystems within EU 6th Framework Programme (FP6) After 9 months of activities carried out within ERA ENV project, the consortium can show important and successful indicators: more than 10,000 mailings to our target group; 10 presentations at relevant international events; 7 training sessions organized with more than 400 participants from NMS and ACC trained on FP6 aspects; more than 350 profiles validated in the project database and more than 150 promoted at international events; more than 300 organizations assisted on specific aspects of FP6; more than 20 assisted for proposal elaboration and 15 proposals submitted within the 4th call of “Global Changes and Ecosystems”. All these activities have the same goal: SUPPORTING the development of the EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA! If you would like to be trained, participate at events promoting your organisation’s profile or proposal idea, receive support, etc all these things could happen because ERA ENV will continue for organisations acting and dealing with Environmental issues. ERA ENV will organize in the next months specific events (4 training sessions in NMS and ACC (Romania, Slovak Republic, Turkey and Bulgaria between 15th of January and 28th of February 2006), one Thematic Networking Event (Romania, May 2006), one European Conference (Romania, September 2006), assure match-making of interested parties for cooperation within FP6/Global Changes and Ecosystems offer support at proposals elaboration, inform and elaborate promotion materials. If you are interested in this initiative please visit the website to contact national responsible persons or contact directly the project coordinator (e-mail:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Türkiye