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Content archived on 2022-12-02

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Electronic identification of animals

The European Commission, DG VI, is contributing ECU 10 million (of a total cost of ECU 17 million) for the implementation of nine pilot projects for the electronic identification of animals (IDEA) in six Member States. The Commission selected nine projects from the 14 proposal...

The European Commission, DG VI, is contributing ECU 10 million (of a total cost of ECU 17 million) for the implementation of nine pilot projects for the electronic identification of animals (IDEA) in six Member States. The Commission selected nine projects from the 14 proposals submitted which conformed with the technical specifications. IDEA is based on the use of a transponder implanted in an animal, so as to allow effective monitoring of its location and movements by radio. The projects will take place over three years and must be completed by 31 December 2000. During the three years of the pilot project, the Commission will determine whether the current state of development of this system would enable the identification of all EU livestock. This would aim to improve: - The management and control of livestock premium schemes under the Common Agricultural Policy; - The monitoring of animals, with a view to implementing an appropriate animal health surveillance scheme, and strengthening disease eradication measures; - The monitoring of intra-EU trade in animals; - The traceability of animals through a labelling system.

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