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ESPRIT - Eleventh call for proposals

The European Commission, DG III, has published the eleventh call for proposals under the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of Information Technologies (ESPRIT). This is anticipated to be the last call for proposals under the Fourth Framework Programme. Each area...

The European Commission, DG III, has published the eleventh call for proposals under the Community's specific RTD programme in the field of Information Technologies (ESPRIT). This is anticipated to be the last call for proposals under the Fourth Framework Programme. Each area or task (identified by a task number) being called are domain-specific and relate to the ESPRIT 1998 work programme. All proposals will be evaluated in one single step. The tasks being called include: - Domain 1. Software technologies: Proposals for specific statistical applications are invited to address and exploit advances in statistical methodology, computer systems and prototype software; - Domain 2. Technologies for components and subsystems (TCS): Tasks 2.8/2.13 2.19 2.25 and 2.26; - Domain 6. High performance computing and networking (HPCN): All tasks in Areas 5 and 6; - Domain 8. Integration in manufacturing (IiM): Task 8.27 (Area 1). In addition to the above, ESPRIT has published a call for expressions of interest to participate in an EU-US "SME Partnership Event". This partnership event will be held in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, from 14 to 16 April 1999. The event will be held in the context of the Transatlantic Business Dialogue and of the Transatlantic Small Business Initiative and will be organized by the Department of Commerce of the State of Texas, the US Federal Department of Commerce and the European Commission. The event aims to promote cooperation between SMEs from the US and the EU in the areas of "electronic commerce and multimedia technologies". About 200 SMEs from the EU will be selected to participate and will receive logistical support towards organizing meetings at the event, as well as coaching on results and product presentation and marketing in the US. The full text of this call may be found in the Document Library of the CORDIS World Wide Web server, here. Further information may be found on the ESPRIT homepage on the CORDIS Web server, at: Details on procedures, eligibility, submission of proposals and the 1998 Work Programme are given in the 1997 Information Package which can also be obtained from: European Commission DG III - Industry Esprit Information Desk 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2968388 E-mail: For further information on the SME partnership event, please contact, quoting reference "TexSBI": European Commission Michel Bosco DG III - Industry ESPRIT programme (Unit F/6) 200 rue de la Loi (N-105, 5/8) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2968387

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