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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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EU – Western Balkan countries Brokerage & Networking Session at the eChallenges e2009 Conference

Two EU-funded projects, ICT-WEB-PROMS and WINS-ICT, are jointly organising an “EU-Western Balkan countries Brokerage & Networking Session” on 22 October 2009 from 16:00 to 17:30 hrs. This session will be organised in the frame of the international event “eChallenges e-2009 Conference” in Istanbul, Turkey from 21 – 23 October 2009.

22 October 2009
The session aims at giving interested stakeholders from the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and the EU (as well as associated countries) the opportunity to meet and network with representatives of other organizations as well as to receive information about the ICT Programme and WB participation.
The programme foresees, first of all, a series of presentations about the EU ICT research policy, national policies for ICT, participation of WBC and support to WBC. This will be followed by a brokerage/networking session where interested stakeholders will be given between 3 to 5 minutes each to present their organisations, their expertise and their project ideas to the audience.For further information and registration please visit or


EU - WBC Cooperation