Value Relay Centres open in Northern Ireland and Dublin
In the spirit of networking, cooperation and partnership embodied in the VRC initiative, the Northern Ireland opening is timed to coincide with the press launch of the Relay Centre for Southern Ireland located in Dublin.
A feature of the Belfast event is a planned video link between Mr. Atkins and M. Carpentier, Director-General of DG XIII of the Commission of the European Community, who it is hoped will address the launch audience live from Brussels.
The Northern Ireland VRC launch has been arranged by the host organization, the Local Enterprise Development Unit (LEDU), which is Northern Ireland's agency specializing in small business development, and by the province's Industrial Research and Technology Unit (IRTU).
Dublin's VRC inaugural press and media event will include videotape messages from government officials and experts in the field of local and regional enterprise development, together with an address by the Minister for Commerce and Technology, Mr. Seamus Brennan T.D.
The recently established VRC network comprises 29 units now becoming operational throughout the Member States. These aim to promote Community research and development programmes and to disseminate and exploit the results arising from Community RTD, in particular providing information and practical support for local and regional SMEs.
Both the Belfast and Dublin events are planned to increase understanding of the range of opportunities available via the VALUE Relay Centres, explaining the services offered and highlighting the benefits of EEC research and development collaboration.
It is considered that Irish firms and Universities are well placed to capture a significant share of the European RTD budget, and that the new VALUE Relay Centres should greatly assist the pursuit of new opportunities by Irish businesses and research interests. Up to the minute information, as it becomes available at EC level, will now for the first time be within easy reach of concerns in Ireland, offering important benefits to the country's research and technological development effort.
For full details and press information, contact:
Northern Ireland VRC
Attn. K. Dunwoody
LEDU House
Upper Galwally
Belfast BT8 4TB
Tel. +44-644223; Fax +44-232644224
Dublin VRC
Attn. Dr. F. Moran
The Irish Science and Technology Agency (EOLAS)
IRL-Dublin 9
Tel. +353-1370101; Fax +353-1379198
Further information on the network of VALUE Relay Centres may be obtained from:
Commission of the European Communities
Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Knowledge Unit
Attn. Mr. J. Hernandez-Ros
Jean Monnet building (C4/007)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134533; Fax +352-430134129