Future Sky Safety - Final public event

Future Sky Safety is an EU-funded transport research programme aimed to find solutions to five aviation safety priorities, and this event will be the occasion to present the final results achieved on:
• Reduction of runway excursion;
• Total aviation system risk prevention and mitigation;
• Reduction of the likelihood of organisational accidents;
• Improvement of pilot performance and reduction of human errors;
• Mitigation of risk of fire, smoke and fumes in modern cabins.
External keynote speakers will provide their point of view, fostering discussion on safety issues, and trends and developments of aviation safety research in general. Also, specific sessions will be dedicated to demonstrate some early prototypes and concepts Future Sky Safety is planning to exploit.
We would be very happy if you could join us! You will have the occasion to network with a highly specialised audience, comprising not only representatives of the aviation industries, airlines and airports, but also fellow researchers, ANSPs and regulators.
Further info on the workshop will be given via e-mail and on our website: https://www.futuresky-safety.eu/2nd-future-sky-safety-public-workshop/
Participation is free but places are limited, therefore registration is required by filling this form: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4416275/Final-FSS-Public-Event
We hope to welcome you in Brussels!
Aviation, Safety, Aviation research, Safety research