2nd CYBERWISER.eu Open Pilots Workshop - Your chance to train your staff, for free. Prepare your company to face cybersecurity threats and attacks.
Content of the workshop
The workshop is a mix of motivational, panel and training sessions in which attendees will get the chance to know the key elements of the CYBERWISER.eu online platform through a live demo, define with the CYBERWISER.eu experts their own customisable training pathway to specifically fit their needs and actually test the platform through an interactive session involving a simple exercise in a simulated environment.
The workshop will also introduce attendees to complementary tools and services to support the cybersecurity needs of SMEs coming from other European R&I initatives.
Who should attend?
The workshop is for organisations, especially but not limited to SMEs, seeking a qualified entry point to cybersecurity training and advisory services.
Given that cybersecurity is not just an IT issue, the workshop will cater for both IT specialists and a wider audience including employees from all departments and at all levels of seniority.
What's in it for me?
If you're looking for guidance or a complete cybersecurity solution for your organisation, seize the opportunity to get in front of Europe's leading cybersecurity experts!
By participating you can:
- Reserve your free pilot and use the platform to train your staff for free
- Discuss the specific needs of your cybersecurity training pilot with the CYBERWISER.eu Team
- Test the platform, by actively participating in a live session
- Strengthen your network with cybersecurity experts from all over Europe.
- Present your organisation to the workshop attendees in a dedicated session
- Get to know complementary cybersecurity tools and services coming from research and innovation initiatives such as CONCORDIA, CyberSec4Europe, ECHO, SPARTA, Cyberwatching.eu and SMESEC.
The bottom line
- Jumpstart your own Pilot with CYBERWISER.eu: Gain hands-on experience on the platform and outline the specs of your pilot with our team of experts.
- Get to know complementary cybersecurity tools and services: Practical tools and services as well as opportunities for synergies with initiatives such as CONCORDIA, CyberSec4Europe, ECHO, SPARTA, Cyberwatching.eu and SMESEC.
REGISTRATION: https://cyberwiser.eu/content/2nd-cyberwisereu-open-pilots-workshop
Draft Agenda
10:30-11:00 Registration and Networking Welcome coffee
11:00-11:10 Introduction and today's takeaways for you
11:10-11:20 Filling cybersecurity skills gap: Why training matters for your business
11:20-12:00 European Cybersecurity services and solutions: opportunities for SMEs (Panel session)
Competence pilot projects (CONCORDIA -Cybersec4Europe - ECHO - SPARTA)
12:00-12:30 One-minute pitches from our Pilot Owners - Who you are and your expectations
12:30-13:00 CYBERWISER.eu: The main elements of the Platform - Workspace, Learning Path, Advanced Tools and Cyber Range
13:00-14:30 Working lunch and interactive session on the Platform
14:30-14:40 Building the cybersecurity workforce of tomorrow - Implement your own Open Pilot with CYBERWISER.eu
14:40-15:40 Networking & 1-on-1 hands-on breakout sessions customising your pilot on CYBERWISER.eu
15:40-16:00 Wrap-up and conclusion
Check the full agenda here: https://cyberwiser.eu/events/2nd-cyberwisereu-open-pilots-workshop
REGISTRATION: https://cyberwiser.eu/content/2nd-cyberwisereu-open-pilots-workshop
cybersecurity, cybersecurity training, cybersecurity skills, cyber skills, capacity building