Including Society in the Digitisation of Europe - Help Us Make Policies That Promote Responsible ICT
Discuss what responsibility means and help us formulate policies to promote responsible ICT R&I, together with the presenters and your fellow participants.
The workshop takes place at the Palace of the Academies in central Brussels.
Accommodation for one night and travel can be provided.
Registration, coffee & snacks
10am – 1pm: Session 1
What policies should be in place in order to keep the Responsible Research &
Innovation ambition & approach alive in future ICT R&I?
Welcome and presentation by HubIT
Presentation by Dr. René von Schomberg, European Commission
Presentation by Mr. Nikos Kastrinos, European Commission
Short presentations on ethics & public engagement
Hosted discussions at the tables
Lunch: 1pm – 2pm
2pm – 4pm: Session 2
What policies should be in place in order to keep the RRI ambition & approach alive
in future ICT R&I? - Best practices and challenges.
Presentation by Prof. Ricardo Gonzalves, UNINOVA
Short presentation on the European Commission's White Paper on AI
Hosted discussions at the tables
Plenary session
Networking reception
ICT, SSH, RRI, Digital agenda, FP9, Missions