WEBINAR ‘Thinking ahead in local policies for successful energy and mobility transitions’ coming up June 3rd!

This webinar is of interest for local authorities as well as for researchers, entrepreneurs and people interested in social innovation and energy/mobility transition.
This event will feature three panelists:
Giuseppe Pellegrini Masini (Postdoc Researcher, NTNU, Norway) will provide nine recommendations on how to make socially innovative and successful policies.
Terry Albronda (Mobility Policy Developer, Municipality of Groningen, the Netherlands) will share his practical experience on institutionalizing local social innovation in mobility transitions in the city of Groningen.
Frances Sprei (Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) will discuss the topic from a wider perspective and provide insights for local policy design.
The interactive webinar allows participants to further discuss and ask experts questions between each presentation. We are looking forward to delving into policy planning for a better future with you!
More information: local-social-innovation.eu/
REGISTER: register.gotowebinar.com/register/5683871886550187533
social innovation, renewable energy, energy transition, energy efficiency, green transport