OW2online’20: Keep the conversation going!
This background theme refers to the challenges appearing today for decision makers who consider evolving their information systems with open source software. As open source has become mainstream it is not limited to the operating systems and infrastructure middleware.
Open source software across the whole information system is what we call “full stack open source”. What is at stake is more than just deploying Linux servers; it is about defining an architecture, engaging with the whole open source ecosystem and establishing a mature governance system.
Join us on June 17-18 and interact online with more than 30 international expert speakers from 13 countries.
Full Program and Free Registration: https://l.ow2.org/ow2online
open source, software, H2020, research, ecosystem, OSS Good Governance, OW2 Projects Showcase, OSS State of the Art, Colloborative R&D Projects