Writing a successful R&I proposal (Part I. of the European Funding Academy)

This proposal writing course will provide you with practical tips and tools for submitting competitive proposals under the last calls of Horizon 2020. We will also provide an outlook to the upcoming research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, introducing its novelties relevant for proposal writing in H2020.
Presentations will be interactive, the participants will have to reply to questions, answer in online games and polls, which will allow the participants to understand the key processes and steps in proposal preparation in a fun and engaging way.
The afternoons will be dedicated to practicing. The e-learning portal will give the possibility to the participants to test their knowledge, practice the skills in different games, quizzes and online exercises. The trainers will be available in live Q&A sessions in the afternoon.
More information and registration: https://europamediatrainings.com/webinars/121/academy-part-i-writing-a-successful-r-and-i-proposal-2-days
Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, H2020, EU funding, EU project, proposal, develop proposal, call for proposa, webinar, online course