ESSIAL Virtual Technical Workshop - Andaltec

Below, the programme of the workshop:
- 10:00: Opening - José María Navarro, General Manager at Andaltec
- 10:15: ESSIAL project presentation and laser welding process - Jesús Castillo, R&D engineer at Andaltec
- 10:30: Electrical steel manufacturing process and microscopy analysis in ESSIAL project - Jean-Pierre Birat and Camille Pineau, consultants and researchers at IRT-M2P
- 11:15: Break
- 11:45: ln-line monitoring techniques and upscaling strategies to optimize the manufacturing time and costs - Anne Henrottin, R&D Engineer at Lasea
- 12:30: Impact of local surface laser treatment on magnetic properties of grain-oriented silicon iron sheets - Manar Nesser, PhD student at UPJV in collaboration with ESIEE-Amiens
- 13:15: End of the Webinar
Registration is free of charge. You are just required to send your contact data (company name. number of attendants and e-mail address) to The participants will receive the information to access the Webinar platform upon registration.
ESSIAL is a research project funded by the European Commission “Factory of the Future” programme. The ambition of the project is to use laser surface texturizing (laser scribing, irradiation, texturizing, …) on soft ferromagnetic materials, such as usual electrical steels and special alloys, in order to improve the performance and functionalities of laminated magnetic circuits.