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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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BDVe Webinar – Bringing Back Personal Data Value To The Rightful Owners

This webinar will focus on how such concerns that pertain to privacy, ethics and intellectual property rights can be tackled, by allowing individuals to take ownership and control of their data and share them at will, through flexible data sharing and fair compensation schemes with other entities (companies or not), as researched by the DataVaults project.

11 December 2020 - 11 December 2020
Online, Germany
© BDVe
Big Data lay at the core of the strong data economy that is emerging in Europe. Although both large enterprises and SMEs acknowledge the potential of Big Data in disrupting the market and business models, this is not reflected in the growth of the data economy. The lack of trusted, secure, ethical-driven personal data platforms and privacy-aware analytics, hinders the growth of the data economy and creates concerns. The main considerations are related to the secure sharing of personal and proprietary/industrial data, and the definition of a fair remuneration mechanism that will be able to capture, produce, release and cash out the value of data, always for the benefit of all the involved stakeholders.

This webinar will focus on how such concerns that pertain to privacy, ethics and intellectual property rights can be tackled, by allowing individuals to take ownership and control of their data and share them at will, through flexible data sharing and fair compensation schemes with other entities (companies or not), as researched by the DataVaults project.

AGENDA (all times are CET)
12.00 – 12.05 Welcome from BDVe [Tomas Pariente Lobo]

12.05 – 12.20 Bringing back value to the Data Owner – The DataVaults Approach [Dr. Yury Glikman]
● Personal Data Value – How big is it? Who matters and how it is treated so far?
● How can personal data be shared? Who are the owners, who are the users? And who gets the benefits?
● Which considerations exist in sharing personal data, and why is there a need for regulating it?
● The DataVaults approach – Concept and highlights

12.20 – 12.35 Key modules for a trusted and privacy-preserving Personal Data Marketplace [Dr. Sotirios Koussouris]
● How should data be collected and accessed by the different parties?
● Which are the main Building blocks for ensuring privacy, security and trust?
● Which infrastructure is necessary to enable compensation and fair distribution of data?

12.35 – 12.50 Data Privacy, Security, GDPR and Data Ethics considerations in Personal Data Sharing [Dr. Thanassis Giannetsos / Dr. Marina Da Bormida]
● Bullet-proofing personal data in terms of security and privacy during sharing. How can Trusted Computing and DLTs support in these steps?
● How does GDPR get into the picture and which are its implications? How can data ethics help to move towards a trustworthy, win-win data sharing ecosystem?

12.50 – 13.00 Q&A with participants and wrap-up

More information at:


personal data, data, sharing, data economy, data sharing, data value