Inaugural meeting of the International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Created through an initiative of the European Commission, the main objective of this association is to support cooperative scientific activities between scientists and research institutes of the independent states of the former Soviet Union and the other Member States of the association (currently, the twelve Member States of the European Community and Austria, although membership is open to any interested country or national or international non-profit organization, provided that it intends to contribute substantially to the budget).
At the inaugural meeting, 54 projects, amounting to ECU 4 million were approved (the provisional budget for 1993 is approximately ECU 20 million).
It is expected that the association's council of scientist, made up of scientists from the former independent states and from the European Community, will hold its first meeting in September 1993.
For further information concerning the approved projects, please contact:
European Commission
Spokesman's Service
Attn. Ms. Viviane d'Udekem
Tel. +32-2-2961919