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TACIS regional coordinators meet in Brussels

TACIS, the EEC/Euratom programme of technical assistance for the independent States of the former Soviet Union, held its second annual National Coordinators Meeting in Brussels on 8-12 November 1993.

During 1991-1993 the TACIS programme has provided Community financial alloca...

8 November 1993 - 8 November 1993
TACIS, the EEC/Euratom programme of technical assistance for the independent States of the former Soviet Union, held its second annual National Coordinators Meeting in Brussels on 8-12 November 1993.

During 1991-1993 the TACIS programme has provided Community financial allocations to a total of ECU 1360 million in support of the Community of Independent States (CIS) and Georgia. Begun last year, the annual meetings provide the opportunity for all TACIS national coordinators and EC representatives to come together and discuss future plans and policies in the light of political and economic developments.

As explained by Mr. Joannes ter Haar, TACIS Head of Unit, "This annual event should allow all parties involved in the TACIS programme to assess the experiences gained and exchange views on the priorities of the future Technical Assistance Programme. As shown last year, these meetings are unique and many national coordinators will, for the first time, be able to meet their official counterparts in the other TACIS countries. Such opportunities for dialogue between the NIS (Newly Independent States) Governments and Commission officials, on the one hand, and between NIS Ministries and officials on the other hand, will enhance mutual understanding about the problems all parties are facing, and how we can collectively help solve them. This in turn will help us deliver better programmes of assistance, which will help the economic and social reform programmes in the NIS."

On the agenda this year were a series of special sessions and workshops, including:
- The Maastricht Treaty and its implications for the institutional balance within the Community and for a new foreign policy performance;
- Financial services;
- Privatization and business support to SMEs;
- Human resources;
- Food production and distribution;
- Energy and transport and nuclear safety.

For the first time, representatives from Mongolia were present, as this country is shortly to join the TACIS programme.
For information about the TACIS programme, contact:

Commission of the European Communities
TACIS Information Office
88 rue d'Arlon
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2966065; Fax +32-2-2310441

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