Training course on dosimetry and dose reduction techniques in diagnostic radiology
In 1990 the Commission organized an international intercomparison programme of dosimeters used in diagnostic radiology throughout Western European countries, which was followed by a seminar held in Luxembourg in 1991. The training course is a follow-up to this programme. It will consist of practical calibration exercises, radiation protection and dose measurements in radiological X-ray departments, and lectures covering the following topics:
- Instrument calibration;
- Radiation protection measurements;
- X-ray characteristics;
- Imaging systems;
- Special diagnostic techniques;
- Quality assurance programmes;
- Implementation of programmes.
The calibration and practical work is exclusively reserved for a limited number of participants from Eastern European countries. They are invited to participate using their own dosimeters which will be calibrated at the secondary standard laboratory COMECER (Bologna, Italy).
The lectures (21-25 March) will be open to a larger, although limited number of participants. Financial support may be provided to Eastern European participants following a selection process.
For information, please contact:
Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Dr. K. Schnuer (C3/331)
Centre Wagner
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430136388; Fax +352-430134646