Rome VRC: Info Day on Fourth Framework Programme
The meeting will take place in the Ministerio Beni Culturali e Ambientali (Sala Stenditoio). Participants will be welcomed by a representative of the Ministry. The agenda includes presentations by a number of distinguished speakers:
- Conference introduction by U. Rosa, President of the Agenzia Per la Promozone della Ricerca Europea (APRE), host organization to the Rome VALUE Relay Centre.
- Italian RTD policy and its relation to Europe, moving towards the year 2000 (U. Colombo, Italian Minister for University and Scientific/Technical Research);
- RTD Policy in the framework of EU Policies (A. Ruberti, Vice-President of the European Commission);
- The Fourth Framework Programme for Research and Development (P. M. Fasella, Director-General of DG XII);
- A European strategy for communication technologies (M. Carpentier, Director-General of DG XIII);
- The Information Technologies Programme (R. Perissich, Director-General of DG III);
- The role of the Joint Research Centre (J. P. Contzen, Director-General of the Joint Research Centre);
- Life Science Technologies in the Fourth Framework Programme (B. Hansen, Director of DG XII/E);
- Industrial Technologies in the Fourth Framework Programme (A. Garcia Arroyo, Director of DG XII/C);
- EU research and international cooperation (R. Gerold, Director of DG XII/B);
- The dissemination and valorization of research (A. Strub, Director of DG XIII/D);
- Training and mobility of researchers (D. de Nettancourt, Director DG XIII/G.
The day will end with an opportunity for discussion.
For further details, please contact:
Agenzia Per la Promozone della Ricerca Europea
Attn. Roberta Russo Thaon di Revel 76
I-00196 Rome
Tel. +39-6-3234367/-3234359; Fax +39-6-3232618
Information on the network of VALUE Relay Centres may be obtained from:
Commission of the European Communities
Attn. Javier Hernandez-Ros (JMO C4/7)
Jean Monnet building
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134533/-430134008; Fax +352-430134009
Addresses of the VRCs are also available on ECHO, in the info-file "INFO VRC".