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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Analytical quality control and reference materials: Life Sciences.

A conference on "Analytical quality control and reference materials: Life Sciences" will be held in Rome on 5-7 December 1994.

The development and improvement of analytical procedures for environmental, nutritional and clinical analyses have been one of the main research fiel...

12 May 1994 - 12 May 1994
A conference on "Analytical quality control and reference materials: Life Sciences" will be held in Rome on 5-7 December 1994.

The development and improvement of analytical procedures for environmental, nutritional and clinical analyses have been one of the main research fields in recent years. However despite the presence of sophisticated equipment, high-quality chemicals and well-trained staff, the quality of analyses is sometimes poor.

This conference will focus on those aspects of quality control and quality assurance of analytical measurements which to date are acknowledged to be of primary importance for guaranteeing the reliability of any experimental investigation. As part of a continuing series, this conference will be followed in due course by other events on a series of topics.

The main themes of the conference are:
- Environmental studies;
- Biomedical studies;
- Nutritional studies.

Topics such as the proper planning of investigations, the adoption of the principles of good laboratory practice, the preparation of reference materials and their correct use will be dealt with in each of the investigation areas listed above.

The conference will be conducted in English and will consist of two morning sessions and one afternoon session.
ENEA Casaccia
Environmental Department
Attn. Dr. Roberto Morabito
Via Anguillarese 301
I-00060 Rome
Tel. +39-6-30484933; Fax +39-6-30486571