International seminar on the health effects of internally deposited radionuclides
During the last fifty years, the study of the long-term effects on the health of people who were exposed to irradiation from radioactive material deposited in their bones, liver or other organs, has revealed the occurrence of bone cancer from Radium isotopes and liver tumours from Thorotrast. These studies are an extremely valuable and unique source of information on the biological effects of such irradiation on humans. As part of the seminar there will be a workshop which will cover the following subjects:
- Biokinetics;
- Dosimetry;
- Pathomorphological results;
- Epidemiological Studies;
- Molecular biology investigations.
It is hoped that the seminar will provide new perspectives for further research as well as establishing a bridge between epidemiological research, molecular biology and cancer genetics.
For further information on this conference please contact:
European Commission
Dr. A Karaoglou
Dr. K Chadwick
200 rue de la Loi (ARTS 3/56)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2965415; Fax +32-2-2966256